In many denominations of the Christian Church, a church usher is the first official representative seen when entering the church. The role of the usher in church is a volunteer position, and is often considered one of honor, particularly if the church or a church committee member selects an usher by nomination.
The Galilee Ushers celebrated their anniversary on Sunday, July 12, 2015. Pictures (compliments of Mr. Allyn G. McLean) and denotations are below.
- Mr. Don Rainer, Church Council President and member of the Usher Board, was the Liturgist.
- Galilee Youth and Adult Ushers and guest ushers sat together during the program.
- Mrs. Jennetta Rainer read the Scripture (Colossians 3:23-25)
- Mr. Larry Everett was the leader for the Ushers’ Litany.
- Mrs. Jeanette McCall extended the Welcome to the congregation.
- Rev. Ruby Lennon, pastor of Westminster Presbyterian Church, brought the Message.
- Rev. Ruby Lennon, pastor of Westminster Presbyterian Church.
- Mrs. Blanche Malloy, President of Usher Board, extended the Recognitions.
- Mr. William Campbell was recognized as Outstanding Male Usher of the Year.
- Shauntice Gibson (left) and Jonathan McLean are Female and Male Youth Ushers of the Year.
- Westminster Presbyterian Church Choir rendered the music for the occasion.
- Westminster Presbyterian Church Choir.
- Pastor Elizabeth Anderson led the church in the Closing Song. Rev. Vermel Taylor extended Remarks. Rev. Ruby Lennon brought the Message.