Galilee participated in the Gateway District Mission Saturation Week-end. During Mission Saturation various churches in the Gateway District hosted guest speakers who spoke about their church’s missions. Mrs. Helen Little, guest speaker from Clayton, NC, shared her experiences about her mission trips to Haiti.
Mrs. Little is 84 years old and has been a member of Horne Memorial United Methodist Church in Clayton North Carolina for more than 40 years. Besides her 68 trips to Haiti she has been on other mission trips to several countries: Armenia ( 1 trip, Project Agape), Russia (2 trips with Russia Church Initiative), Ecuador (1 trip, Heifer Project International), Cuba (1 trip with UMVIM), Jamaica (1 trip with UMVIM), Sri Lanka (2 trips with medical team).
Below are pictures of Mrs. Little making her presentation, sharing with Rev. Taylor one of the Haitian made artifacts, and speaking with Mr. Allyn McLean (Galilee Lay Leader) about her trip.
- Mrs. Little and Rev. Taylor