Church Banners
Beautiful banners adorn the church foyer, sanctuary overflow area, and sanctuary. The banners depict various church seasons and celebrations. Ms. Barbara Briggs, Galilee church life member, is the designer of these banners and she hand makes each one. Ms. Briggs has also made banners for churches in other areas.

The Victory Is Won banner depicts 1 Corinthians 15:55 “Where, O death, is your victory? Where …
O death, where is your sting? O grave, where is your victory?
2014 Fall Festival
Galilee Church Ushers sponsored a Fall Festival on Thursday, October 30, 2014 from 6:00 PM until 8:00 PM. Members who showcased their ‘trunks’ for the Trunk and Treats were: Rev. Vermel H. Taylor, pastor; Mrs. Hazel Boatwright, Mrs. Shirley Campbell, Mrs. Norma Leak, Ms. Sandra Ratliff, and Mrs. Donna Williams. Mrs. Norma Leak won first place and Rev. Taylor won second place for the best decorated trunk.
Galilee Soup Kitchen
We give God thanks and praise for the Galilee Soup Kitchen and for the Galilee members for their support! It is Galilee’s goal to feed the hungry in this Laurinburg and surrounding areas.The Galilee Outreach Ministry sponsors the Soup Kitchen every Thursday from 11:00 AM until 1:00 PM during the months of November through February. The Galilee Soup Kitchen Team was selected as one of the top five Lay Ministries of the year from the Gateway District. This will be the second year they have been recognized.
Galilee 2014 Hats Affair
Galilee hosted a Hats Affair, “Adorning Our Crowning Glory” on Saturday, November 15, 2014 at 2:00 PM. Ladies and men wore their most elegant, sophisticated hats and were delightfully entertained and mesmerized. The afternoon included light hors d’oeuvres, a Hats Fashion Show, ‘Hat Tidbits and Delights’, and Mr. James McCall, Jr. was the guest speaker. Judges for the event were: Mrs. Shirley Alford, Evangelist Mary Ellis, and Mrs. Rosa Rush. The ladies in the slideshow served as hostesses for this great event.
- Rev. Vermel Taylor
- Lucille Freeman
Gateway District Mission Saturation
Galilee participated in the Gateway District Mission Saturation Week-end. During Mission Saturation various churches in the Gateway District hosted guest speakers who spoke about their church’s missions. Mrs. Helen Little, guest speaker from Clayton, NC, shared her experiences about her mission trips to Haiti.
- Mrs. Little and Rev. Taylor
Galilee 2015 Black History Program
The Galilee Black History Program was held during the morning worship service. Jea’Niya McCall was the youth speaker for the program. Mrs. Hazel Boatwright, read “What If There Were No Black People” as the youth portrayed the various famous Black Inventors. Some of the participants are in the pictures. Other Black Inventors illustrated and are not pictured below were: Sarah Boone, inventor of the ironing board (portrayed by Jiasia Brown); Jan E. Matzwlinger, inventor of the shoelace (portrayed by Jonathan McLean); Lloyd P. Ray-inventor of the dustpan and Thomas W. Stewart, inventor of the mop (portrayed by Jaiden McLean); William Purvis, inventor of the fountain pen (portrayed by Trey McLean); Alice Parker, inventor of the heating furnace and Frederick Jones, inventor of the air conditioner (portrayed by Redrick McLean); Hon Standard, inventor of the refrigerator (portrayed by Ragan Leak); Richard Spikes, inventor of the automatic gearshift, Joseph Gammel, inventor of the supercharger system, and Garrett A. Morgan, inventor of the traffic light (portrayed by London Smith).
- Mrs. Hazel Boatwright read the poem, ‘What If There Were No Black People”.
- Jea’Niya McCall brought the Message for the occasion.
- London Smith rode her pink car to portray several Black inventors.
- Stephon Davis (first on right) illustrated George T. Sammon, inventor of the clothes dryer.
- The Galilee FOCUSED Mime Team performed.
- Shauntice Gibson (second left) illustrated Lydia Newman & Madam C.J. Walker.
Galilee 2015 Easter Sunrise
The Galilee 2015 Easter Sunrise Service was held on Sunday, April , under the Activity Shelter. Mr. Allyn Glen McLean, Galilee Lay Leader, was the speaker for the occasion. (Pictures submitted by Mrs. Hazel Boatwright and Mrs. Effie McGill)
- Easter banner, designer Mrs. Barbara Briggs, adorned the Easter Sunrise service.
- Easter Sunrise attendees enjoy breakfast.
Galilee 2015 Women’s Day Weekend Friday
Galilee 2015 Women’s Day Weekend was celebrated on Friday, May 15; Saturday, May 16; and Sunday, May 17. Each day was highlighted with a ‘soul searching’ event. Friday’s event began at 7:00 PM with a skit entitled ’12 Women of the Bible’. The female pastors/ministers/evangelists of the Scotland County Ministerial Alliance portrayed the Women of the Bible.
- ‘Twelve Women of the Bible’ with Mrs. Annie Cureton (standing far left) as Narrator and Announcer and Minister Elizabeth Anderson (standing far right) provided prayer.
Galilee 2015 Women’s Day Weekend Saturday
Saturday Women’s Day Weekend event was a luncheon sponsored by the Galilee Older Adult Ministry. Mrs. Janie Gleaves, chairperson of the Older Adult Ministry, greeted the attendees and thanked those who participated in making the event a success. Rev. Vermel Taylor, pastor of Galilee, invited attendees to write their prayer concerns on a post-it note and place the note on the church’s ‘roving cross’. Rev. Taylor then prayed over the notes, collected them from the cross, placed them in a pail, and burned them. Each attendee was given a ‘rock’ (with a bookmark explanation) as a symbol of ‘Christ, the Solid Rock’. A table was decorated with a variety of candles and a mini rock waterfall.
Galilee 2015 Women’s Day Weekend Sunday
Galilee 2015 Women’s Day Weekend Sunday event was held during the church morning worship. Rev. Elizabeth Anderson, assistant pastor of Jones Chapel Missionary Baptist Church of Laurinburg, brought the message entitled, ‘Let’s Talk About It’.
- Minister Anderson and Rev. Vermel Taylor, pastor of Galilee.
Galilee 2014 Hats Affair
Galilee hosted a Hats Affair, “Adorning Our Crowning Glory” on Saturday, November 15, 2014 at 2:00 PM. Ladies and men wore their most elegant, sophisticated hats and were delightfully entertained and mesmerized. The afternoon included light hors d’oeuvres, a Hats Fashion Show, ‘Hat Tidbits and Delights’, and Mr. James McCall, Jr. was the guest speaker. Judges for the event were: Mrs. Shirley Alford, Evangelist Mary Ellis, and Mrs. Rosa Rush. The ladies in the slideshow served as hostesses for this great event.
- Rev. Vermel Taylor
- Lucille Freeman
Galilee Member Recipient of James H. Underwood, Jr. Scholarship
Jerry ‘Ji’ Ingram received the James H. Underwood, Jr. Scholarship during a banquet honoring the late James H. Underwood, Jr. Ji is a 2015 graduate (3.5 GPA) of Scotland High School-Laurinburg, NC. He received offers from several universities and decided to attend UNC@Charlotte, NC. Ji will major in Education and minor in Exercise Sports Science. His aspirations are to become an Administrator and eventually Superintendent within the same North Carolina System that educated and prepared him. Ji is the son of Lydia Stewart and Jerry Ingram, Jr. Congratulations to Ji on his accomplishments.

Jerry ‘Ji’ Ingram (second from right) accepts the James H. Underwood, Jr. Scholarship from the Underwood Family: (left to right) JaMarcus J. Underwood, Pamela Underwood-Russell, and Mrs. Felicia Underwood.
Galilee Older Adult Ministry
During the morning worship, July 19, 2015, Rev. Vermel Taylor consecrated the pew cushions purchased by the Galilee Older Adult Ministry of Galilee. The Ministry also presented a plague (held by Mrs. Juanita Campbell) with names of persons who contributed to the the Pew Cushion Project. Mrs. Janie Gleaves is chairperson of the Ministry. Pictured below are members of the ministry. (Pictures submitted by Mrs. Effie McGill)
Seated (left to right): Rev. Vermel H. Taylor, Mrs. Sallie Jones, Mrs. Janie Gleaves
- Standing (left to right): Mrs. Juanita Campbell, Mrs. Cecelia Bennett,
- Mrs. Lucille Freeman, Mrs. Julia Ingram, Mrs. Eunice McQueen
Galilee 2015 Pew Rally
The Galilee Pew Rally was held on Sunday, June 28, 2015 during morning worship. Special recognition was given for Best Pew Decoration, Pew with Most in Attendance, and Pew with Best Offering.

Ms. Norma Leak and Mrs. Blanche Malloy won the Galilee Pew Rally Awards. Ms. Leak won the Best Pew Decoration and Mrs. Malloy won the Pew with Most in Attendance and Pew with Best Offering.
Galilee Pew Rally Additional Participants
Several other families decorated their pew(s) for the Galilee Pew Rally. (photos by Mrs. Effie McGill)
- The Jones family pew decorations.
- The Malloy family pew decorations.
- The Rainer family pew decorations.
Galilee Pew Rally Decorations Winner
- Ms. Sandra Ratliff and Ms. Norma Leak collaborated on the decorations for the pew. (Picture submitted by Mrs. Norma Leak)
- Ms. Norma Leak and her daughter, Samantha, enjoy sharing the prize for the Best Decorated Pew.
- One of Ms. Leak’s winning pew decorations.
- Another of Ms. Leak’s pew decorations.
Ms. Norma Leak won the Best Pew Decoration recognition.
Galilee Ushers’ Anniversary
In many denominations of the Christian Church, a church usher is the first official representative seen when entering the church. The role of the usher in church is a volunteer position, and is often considered one of honor, particularly if the church or a church committee member selects an usher by nomination.
The Galilee Ushers celebrated their anniversary on Sunday, July 12, 2015. Pictures (compliments of Mr. Allyn G. McLean) and denotations are below.
- Mr. Don Rainer, Church Council President and member of the Usher Board, was the Liturgist.
- Galilee Youth and Adult Ushers and guest ushers sat together during the program.
- Mrs. Jennetta Rainer read the Scripture (Colossians 3:23-25)
- Mr. Larry Everett was the leader for the Ushers’ Litany.
- Mrs. Jeanette McCall extended the Welcome to the congregation.
- Rev. Ruby Lennon, pastor of Westminster Presbyterian Church, brought the Message.
- Rev. Ruby Lennon, pastor of Westminster Presbyterian Church.
- Mrs. Blanche Malloy, President of Usher Board, extended the Recognitions.
- Mr. William Campbell was recognized as Outstanding Male Usher of the Year.
- Shauntice Gibson (left) and Jonathan McLean are Female and Male Youth Ushers of the Year.
- Westminster Presbyterian Church Choir rendered the music for the occasion.
- Westminster Presbyterian Church Choir.
- Pastor Elizabeth Anderson led the church in the Closing Song. Rev. Vermel Taylor extended Remarks. Rev. Ruby Lennon brought the Message.
Galilee Pew Rally
The Galilee Pew Rally was held on Sunday, June 28, 2015 during morning worship. Special recognition was given for Best Pew Decoration, Pew with Most in Attendance, and Pew with Best Offering.

Ms. Norma Leak and Mrs. Blanche Malloy won the Galilee Pew Rally Awards. Ms. Leak won the Best Pew Decoration and Mrs. Malloy won the Pew with Most in Attendance and Pew with Best Offering.
Galilee Member Recipient of James H. Underwood, Jr. Scholarship
Jerry ‘Ji’ Ingram received the James H. Underwood, Jr. Scholarship during a banquet honoring the late James H. Underwood, Jr. Ji is a 2015 graduate (3.5 GPA) of Scotland High School-Laurinburg, NC. He received offers from several universities and decided to attend UNC@Charlotte, NC. Ji will major in Education and minor in Exercise Sports Science. His aspirations are to become an Administrator and eventually Superintendent within the same North Carolina System that educated and prepared him. Ji is the son of Lydia Stewart and Jerry Ingram, Jr. Congratulations to Ji on his accomplishments.

Jerry ‘Ji’ Ingram (second from right) accepts the James H. Underwood, Jr. Scholarship from the Underwood Family: (left to right) JaMarcus J. Underwood, Pamela Underwood-Russell, and Mrs. Felicia Underwood.
Galilee Older Adult Ministry
During the morning worship, July 19, 2015, Rev. Vermel Taylor consecrated the pew cushions purchased by the Galilee Older Adult Ministry of Galilee. The Ministry also presented a plague (held by Mrs. Juanita Campbell) with names of persons who contributed to the the Pew Cushion Project. Mrs. Janie Gleaves is chairperson of the Ministry. Pictured below are members of the ministry. (Pictures submitted by Mrs. Effie McGill)
Seated (left to right): Rev. Vermel H. Taylor, Mrs. Sallie Jones, Mrs. Janie Gleaves
- Standing (left to right): Mrs. Juanita Campbell, Mrs. Cecelia Bennett,
- Mrs. Lucille Freeman, Mrs. Julia Ingram, Mrs. Eunice McQueen