United Methodist Women’s Meeting Tuesday following Third Sunday at 5:00 PM
United Methodist Women Galilee Methodist Church has had a long history of working with the ministry and mission of the church. From the beginning there were many loyal and dedicated women that began working when the Central Jurisdiction Chartered the Woman’s Society of Christian Service.
There were many able leaders who led the foundation for committed service which continues today. Some of the leaders were Jessie Jackson, Emily McLean, Viola Alsbrooks, Blanch McAllister, Louise Malloy, and Margaret Gee. These ladies served through the fifties and sixties with the Woman’s Society of Christian Service as the president or other dedicated leaders. For many years the organization was large enough to be divided into Circles (sub-groups) that were named for deceased leaders. These Circles (sub-groups) met in the homes of the members and reported monthly to the unit on the programs within the sub-group.
Mrs. Jessie Smitherman Jackson was born in High Point, NC and attended Bennett College in Greensboro, NC. Some years later she met and married Dr. N. E. Jackson and four children were born to this union. Her passion became her family and her church. As a loyal member of Galilee Church, she sang in the choir, and was treasurer of the Sunday School. She was especially devoted to the Woman’s Society of Christian Service giving of her time and energy to this organization never refusing a task because she was too busy. “Mama Jack” as she was affectionately called, lived among us “as one who went about doing good.” Her warm, jovial, lovable spirit endeared herself to many who loved and respected her.
Mrs. Viola Alsbrook came to Laurinburg, NC from South Carolina. She and her four girls joined Galilee Church where she became a faithful member of the Woman’s Society of Christian Service working diligently in this organization. She was a Christian lady who loved to make God’s earth beautiful. This was evident in her love of flowers. She planted and filled her yard with different kinds of flowers and also filled the vacant lot across from her house, which belonged to the town, with an array of beautiful flowers. She was teased about this. Mrs. Alsbrook was a hard working Christian lady who always put God first in her life.
The new organization, the United Methodist Women, created in 1972, was led by women who carried out the Purpose of the United Methodist Women. Presidents who served from the 1970s until the present were Matilda Stewart, Marie Stewart, Effie McGill, Mildred DePugh (2 terms), Marsha Fields, Flora Morrison, and Edna McCoy (4 terms). Ms. Donna Graham (January, 2017) serves as the current President.
The unit works yearly on programs that fulfill the United Methodist Women’s Purpose through Bible Study, Mission Studies, Social Issues, Health Issues, and participation in the Reading Program. There are many certificates for being a Mission Today Unit and members have received certificates for participation in the reading program.
The unit continues to be committed to fulfilling the financial obligations through the Pledge to Missions, World Thank Offering, Candle Burning, and Penny and a Prayer. The unit makes annual contributions to local and conference mission projects.
Officers of the United Methodist Women are:
President, Donna Graham;
Vice-President, Gwen Rainer;
Secretary, Jennetta Rainer;
Treasurer-Local, Frances Freeman;
Treasurer-Mission, Rose Rainer;
Communications, Effie McGill
Mission Co-Coordinators of Social Action, Barbara Briggs and Barbara Ellison;
Mission Co-Coordinators of Spiritual Growth, Effie McGill and Emanuella Peace;
Mission Co-Coordinators of Education and Interpretation, Juanita Campbell and Rosemary Rainer;
Chairperson Committee on Nominations, (TBA) .
The History of The United Methodist Women information was submitted by Mrs. Edna L. McCoy.
Updated and Revised on September 20, 2017;
Updated and Revised on May 1, 2018
Updated and Revised on February 21, 2019