The Rev. Vermel H. Taylor is a Prayer Warrior full of joy and life. She is a model for her congregation on how to be a faithful servant and how to seek God’s direction in all they do. Rev. Taylor is Holy Spirit inspired and because of her, Galilee has a greater understanding in so many areas of living the Christ inspired life. She is a woman filled with the fire of God; who has a healthy fear of the Lord and loves Him with all of her heart, mind, soul, and strength.
In 2013, Rev. Taylor was appointed to Galilee United Methodist Church. She was sent by God to do a mighty work for Him and His people at Galilee. During her time here, she has built on ministries already in place. She has also fostered growth into new areas of worship. Among this growth is the institution of an 8:00 a.m. Prayer Ministry. Several renovation projects have been completed under Rev. Taylor’s leadership as well.
Rev. Taylor is a native of McRaeville, Ga. Her educational background includes: graduation from Attapulgus Mount Moriah High School, Attapulgus, GA (1966), B.S. Degree in Criminal Justice from Shaw University, Raleigh, NC (1985), and Master’s of Divinity Degree from Hood Theological Seminary, Salisbury, NC (May 2007).
She accepted her call to ministry in 1990 at First Pentecostal FWB Church, where she served as a local preacher for seven years. Before coming to Galilee, she served the following churches: Bal Perazim Interdenominational Church and John Wesley United Methodist Church, both in Fayetteville, NC; United Pentecostal Church in Lillington, NC; Mount Olive UMC, Lumberton, NC (2006); and Rhyne Memorial United Methodist Church in Red Springs, NC (2009).
In 2000, after twenty years of faithful and dedicated service, she retired from Fayetteville State University and took a part-time position at John Wesley United Methodist Church-Raleigh, NC where she served as Administrative Assistant. In 2001, she joined John Wesley’s membership under the pastorate of Dr. Jesse Brunson.
In June 2008, Rev. Taylor was commissioned as a Provisional Elder on the Elder Track and in June, 2011, she fulfilled the call she received from God (2004) to become a full Elder. On June 18, 2011 she was ordained a full Elder in the North Carolina Conference of the United Methodist Church, an honor in which she gives all the glory to God, her Father.
Over the years, Rev. Taylor has served in many capacities in the local church, but her heart is Children’s Church Ministry. She continues to answer the call of God and listens and obeys the Spirit of God as He leads her to higher heights and deeper depths in Him.
Rev. Taylor serves on the following committees at the conference and district levels: Equitable Compensation, Strengthening the Black Church, Mentor for Candidates for Board of Ordained Ministry, and District Board on Ordained Ministry. She has also served as treasurer of the Ministerial Fellowship for Red Springs, NC. Rev. Taylor is also highly involved in the Community where she serves on the Scotland County Ministerial Alliance, Scotland County Counseling Center, and as a member of the local Chapter of the NAACP.
Rev. Taylor has three adult children – two sons and one daughter; two daughters-in-law, one son-in-law, and seven grandchildren. She is truly a woman of faith, prayer, preparation, persuasion, principle, integrity, and a woman with the spirit of “Nehemiah” who is building the wall and refuses to come down. Rev. Taylor is a woman seeking to be all that God requires and a warrior for God who stands on the promises made to all of the children of the highest God. “When her enemies even her foes came upon her to eat up her flesh, they stumbled and fell.” Despite Satan’s attack from within and outside, she has remained loyal, dedicated, and faithful to just Jesus, knowing He is all she needs!