The Music Ministry provides uplifting music for the celebration of worship as well as for other programs throughout the year, including programs at local nursing homes.
The Praise Team
This team provides praise and worship songs before the opening of worship each Sunday.
The Senior Choir
This choir provides traditional hymns and anthems during morning worship for the Service of Holy Communion on the first Sunday.
The Combined Choir
This choir provides contemporary and gospel music for morning worship on the second Sunday.
The Children and Youth Choir
The Children and Youth Choir is made up of pre-school, elementary, middle, and high school age students. Their youthful, spirited music enhances the celebration of worship on every fifth Sunday and special services throughout the year.
The Men’s Choir
The Men’s Choir provides gospel music for morning worship each fourth Sunday.
The Mass Choir
The Mass Choir is a combination of all the choirs and provides music for morning worship on varied Sundays and special services throughout the year.