The Outreach Ministry is responsible for the visioning for ministry that provides local and larger community issues, missional issues, ministries of compassion, advocacy groups. The Outreach Ministry Teams are: Church & Society, Higher Education & Campus Ministry, Membership, Health & Welfare, Religion and Race, Stewardship, Disaster Preparedness, Christian Advocate, Ten Dollar Club, Black Methodist for Church Renewal, and Records & History.
Church and Society
This team is responsible for cultivating relationships with community advocacy groups and coalitions and provides the local congregation with information and opportunity for ministry.
Higher Education and Campus Ministry
Serves as a link between the college students and the congregation and also brings to the attention of the congregation concerns and programs of the local colleges and universities, especially those related to the United Methodist Church. It organizes programs and activities to include college students in the church and coordinates the church scholarship program. It is responsible for organizing college fairs or college tours for high school students in the congregation.
Maintains and updates membership records and notifies pastor of any changes in addresses, moves from area, and other membership changes. Also assists in the receiving of new members into the congregation.
Health and Welfare
This team promotes activity to foster health awareness and brings information to the congregation regarding health issues. It plans health fairs for the congregation and local community.
Religion and Race
This team promotes awareness of race relations and cultural concerns to the congregation. It provides activity to foster race and cultural relations and plans activities to build inclusiveness in the congregation.
This team is responsible for communicating the role of stewardship of church membership and relates giving locally to the connectional church. It informs the finance committee of special offerings and giving and also encourages financial planning and giving to the local church.
Disaster Preparedness
This team prepares the church and congregation for disaster events and keeps the congregation informed of impending disaster. It coordinates evaluation procedures of the church. The team also works with local and state disaster organizations.
Christian Advocate
This team informs congregation of conference newspaper and solicits subscriptions. The team also works with the Communications Coordinator to assure local church articles are submitted for publication.
Ten Dollar Club
Assures that church membership calls are submitted to the conference.
Records and History Coordinator
Maintains historical records of the local church and its members. Preserves and secures historical documents and artifacts. Catalogues historical records and maintains the church library. Keeps the congregation informed of historical celebrations throughout the district and conference.
Black Methodist for Church Renewal (BMCR)
Black Methodists for Church Renewal, Inc. is the organized (1968) Black caucus of The United Methodist Church. It is recognized by the General Church as the legitimate Black ethnic caucus.
The Purpose of BMCR, Inc. is to commit to:
Congregational Development by helping Black United Methodist Churches become centers of spiritual and community life.
Leadership Development by identifying and training Black United Methodist youth and adults to become Christian leaders where they worship, serve, and work, and live.
The Black Family by encouraging and enabling Black United Methodist Churches to initiate and develop plans to response to various needs of Black family life.
Advocacy for Social Justice, fairness and equity, and the elimination of racism in all aspects of The United Methodist Church.
Historical Overview
At midnight, August 1976, the Central Jurisdiction of The Methodist Episcopal Church ceased to be. with the dissolution of open segregation of the races, a sad chapter in Methodist history closed. Despite the tremendous contributions that Black Methodists had made to the Church, the Methodist Church had never accorded Blacks equal status as Christian sisters and brothers. A nagging question remained—will there be a permanent place of racial equality in the new United Methodist Church for Black Methodists?
BMCR Mission Statements
“We the people called Black Methodists for Church Renewal, created in the image of God, confess our faith in a living and a just God. We call ourselves and entire United Methodist Church to repentance, to rebuild God’s Church as a community of faith, to declare the traditions and stories of the Bible ad Black culture, to reclaim the Black community and to liberate all people from racism and injustice everywhere,.” (National)
In addition, the North Carolina Conference Chapter of BMCR will serve as an avenue insuring maximum involvement and participation linking Black Methodist Churches and communities in which they serve through effective witnessing for Christ.
The caucus advocates combating latent and overt forms of racism/prejudice and the promotion of racial inclusiveness in the total program of The United Methodist Church.
The North Carolina Chapter is involved with:
building stronger Black churches
recruiting competent and committed persons for Ordained Ministry
nurturing Black youth leadership
empowering Laity and Clergy for service
providing The Joseph B. Bethea Scholarship for a better educated generation
supporting Youth Harambee
Coordinator: Mrs. Shirley Townsend Jones
Vice Coordinator: Rev. Varonica Livingston
Secretary: Mrs. Louis Harris
Treasurer: Mrs. Annie L. Fairley
Membership Chairperson:
Chairperson of Finance: Dr. Rev. Jimmy Cummings
Youth Coordinators: Ms. Gloria McKenzie and Ms. Hope McIntyre
Bishop J. B. Bethea Scholarship Committee: Ms. Doris Bluitt
Communications Chairperson: Mr. Vincent Jones
Membership Information:
Local Church-$25.00
Make check payable to: NC Conference BMCR
Mail to: Mrs. Annie L. Fairley
P. O. Box 185
Maxton, NC 28364