The Nurture Ministry provides nurturing care to the congregation including vision, planning, and executing vital nurturing ministries. The Nurture Team includes the following: Worship, Christian Education, Sunday School, Family Ministry, Young Adult, Youth Ministry, Children’s Ministry, Higher Education, Record and History.
Worship Committee
The Worship Committee plans and directs worship experiences held at Galilee. Worship distinguishes the faith community from all other service agencies, shaping believers through their relationship to God.
Christian Education Committee
Sunday School
Family Ministry
Young Adult
Youth Ministry
Provides opportunities for the formation of Christian disciples and young leaders through participation in a variety of events and ministry contexts where faith and life intersect.
Children’s Ministry
Older Adult Ministry
United Methodist Men
The organized unit of United Methodist Men provide a dedicated ministry for building men spiritually and involving men in the total ministry of the Church. The United Methodist Men exist to declare the centrality of Christ in every man’s life. Men’s ministry leads to the spiritual growth of men and effective discipleship. This purpose is served as men are called to model the servant leadership of Jesus Christ.
United Methodist Women
The organized unit of United Methodist Women is a community of women whose purpose is to know God and to experience freedom as whole persons through Jesus Christ; to develop a creative, supportive fellowship; and to expand concepts of mission through participation in the global ministries of the Church.
United Methodist Youth Fellowship
Transportation Ministry
Galilee began it’s transportation ministry in 2001. The bus, which is wheelchair accessible, transports members to and from church on Sundays and to special church functions. Transportation is available within the Laurinburg area. Several drivers volunteer to drive the bus to pick up individuals who need transportation to worship and various church activities. Transportation is arranged by contacting the church office.