We offer a variety of age-level ministry opportunities as well as support local, conference, and national ministries.
Transportation Ministry
Galilee began it’s transportation ministry in 2001. The bus, which is wheelchair accessible, transports members to and from church on Sundays and to special church functions. Transportation is available within the Laurinburg area. Several drivers volunteer to drive the bus to pick up individuals who need transportation to worship and various church activities. Transportation is arranged by contacting the church office.
Nurture Ministry
The Nurture Ministry provides nurturing care to the congregation including vision, planning, and executing vital nurturing ministries. The nurturing ministries of the congregation give attention to but not limited to education, worship, Christian formation, membership care, small groups, and stewardship. This ministry gives attention to the needs of individuals and families of all ages.
The Nurture Ministry Teams include the following: Worship Committee, Education, Sunday School, Family Ministry, Young Adult, Youth Ministry, Children’s Ministry, Higher Education, Record and History.
Outreach Ministry
The Outreach Ministry is responsible for the visioning for ministry that provides local and larger community issues, missional issues, ministries of compassion, advocacy groups. The Outreach Ministry Teams are: Church and Society, Health and Welfare, Religion and Race, Membership, Higher Education and Campus Ministry, Stewardship, Disaster Preparedness, Christian Advocate, Ten Dollar Club, Black Methodist for Church Renewal, and Records and History.
Witness Ministry
The Witness Ministry Team provides for evangelistic outreach, member care, spiritual formation and witness. The Witness Ministry Teams are: Communications, Evangelism, Mission, Christian Unity and Inter-religious Concerns, Status and Role of Women, and Lay Servant Ministries.
Music Ministry
The Music ministry provides uplifting music for the celebration of worship as well as for other programs throughout the year, including programs at local nursing homes.
Community Involvement
Galilee partners with several local community agencies to do ministry in the community. Several members of Galilee volunteer with the local organizations and serve on civic and government boards and agencies. Some of these include: Church Community Services, The Scotland County Schools Closing the Achievement Gap Task Force, The American Red Cross, Hospice of Scotland County and Rape Crisis Center.